Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Services - UPDATED 8-AUG

August 2 - Moore Anderson will facilitate a program and discussion on the book "Godless" by Dan Barker.  From

"Dan Barker (1949-) is co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and co-host of Freethought Radio. After 19 years as an evangelical minister, Dan "saw the light" and announced his atheism in 1984. His first public appearance as an atheist was on Oprah Winfrey's "AM Chicago." Since that time he has traveled extensively, lecturing and performing on college campuses, and participating in more than 110 public debates defending atheism. A former composer of Christian songs and musicals (for which he still receives royalties), Dan is now a jazz pianist and writer of freethought music, including the albums Beware of Dogma, Friendly, Neighborhood Atheist, and Adrift on a Star. Dan has 5 children, 10 grandchildren, and lives with his wife (and co-president) Annie Laurie Gaylor in Madison, Wisconsin."

August 9 - We will continue our series of summer discussion sessions today with the 2015 Action of Immediate Witness "End Immigrant Child and Family Detention Now".  Immigration looks to be an important issue in the upcoming Presidential election, and we will examine it from the aspect of children and family rights.  Children's religious education will be provided.

August 16 - Our adult discussion series continues today as we explore the issue of "Fossil Fuel Divestment".  In light of the growing concern over both peak oil and global warming, the UUA has encouraged congregations to explore this issue and its possible impact on our environment and our way of life.  Children's religious education will be provided.

August 23 - We live in a nation that has more firearms per capita than any other nation on earth.  Yet our murder rate is among the highest of all industrial nations, and our rate of imprisonment is the highest of all nations.  Yet we continually hear calls for more gun rights.  Do guns bring safety?  Today our discussion group will wrestle with the issue of guns and violence in our culture.  Children's religious education will be provided.

August 30 - We bring to a close our summer discussion series this week with an open forum.  You set the agenda this morning with whatever you bring to the table.  Have you come across a good article that stimulated your mind?  Share it with us!  How about that hot summer read that you could not put down?  Give us a review of that book so we all can get hooked!  Has something in the news really pushed your button?  Share your thoughts with us!  No topic is off limits this morning as we celebrate the end of another enjoyable summer discussion series.

A special announcement from the Council:  On Sunday, September 13 (our Ingathering Service) there will be a special business meeting held immediately after the service.  The Council seeks direction from the Congregation on the following two items:

- John Toney has become our newest member and has expressed a willingness to serve a full 2 year term as our treasurer.  This needs to be approved by the Congregation.

- We have a bid from Caston Brothers construction to repair the kitchen cupboards (broken drawers and water damage beneath the sink) at a cost of $1500.00.  The same vendor has also given us a bid to replace water damage from an old roof leak upstairs of $600.  And finally, we have a bid from McDonald Supply for a replacement water heater, a 30 gallon gas model that will cost $439.08 plus installation.  (Quotes are being obtained for installation and will be published before the meeting).