September 6 - The 8 hour day, 40 hour week, and overtime pay are just a few of the things workers have received from the Labor movement over the years. At our service today we will celebrate the Labor movement in song and story, and take a look at what the future may hold for the working class in our country. We will also formally welcome a family as members of our congregation. Children's RE will be provided.
September 13 - Our Annual Ingathering Service is a time to celebrate our adventures over the summer season as we come together and begin a new "church year." We will have Water Communion and a time of reflection as we prepare to begin our 65th year as a congregation. Children's RE will be provided. There will be a brief business meeting immediately following the service today as we vote on two Council positions and address some building repair issues.
September 20 - Moore Anderson will lead us through Sam Harris' book "Letter to a Christian Nation". With religious freedom an important issue in the news and our politics, Harris' rational argument against fundamentalism is important for us to hear and understand.
September 27 - Our program this morning will be a follow-up on our Labor celebration. We will watch a presentation from Howard Zinn entitled "The Hidden History of the American Working Class" and have a time of discussion following the presentation. Howard Zinn was a historian, educator and author who focused on the untold stories of American history, bringing to light times when our nation's actions did not reflect our stated ideals.